A wicker basket filled with orange roses, green leaves, and red berries sits on a table in a festive, decorated room with a pink tufted sofa and a Christmas tree.


As an industry leader, we believe in the Mary Murray's Flowers way of look, style and feel in everything we do, from a professional attitude to a genuine smile that reflects a positive attitude which leads to a great working environment.

Part Time Holiday Driver

Part Time Openings Available.

Deliver flowers and gifts to the appropriate person at the specified time and date in good order. Keep accurate digital records, and maintain delivery schedule safely.


  • Holiday drivers are paid by the stop and requires use of personal vehicle. Very lucrative for a short term position if you are energetic and know the Tulsa area well. Cell phone required to record deliveries.

Job Requirements

  • Must have a clean driving record, enthusiastic, a good working knowledge of Tulsa streets. Jenks, Broken Arrow and Bixby is a bonus. Must feel comfortable using technology and have some computer skills. Honest & willing to do the job with pride.